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Hydration reactions and reaction induced deformation (Project II.2)
Kuleci, H., Schmidt, C., Rybacki, E., Abart, R. (2013): Mechanical effects of the hydration of periclase to brucite in calcite-periclase aggregates; an experimental study, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-7706 (Vienna, Austria)
Kuleci, H., Abart, R., Schmidt, C. (2013): The hydration of periclase to brucite: an experimental study, Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges. 159, (Graz, Austria)
Kuleci, H., Abart, R., Schmidt, C. (2014): Hydration of periclase at 350°C to 620°C and 200MPa: An experimental study, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-3847-2 (Vienna, Austria)
Abart, R., Griffiths, T., Kuleci, H., Kovaleva, E., Habler, G. (2014): Mineral reactions between solid-phase inclusions and their host crystal: interplay with deformation, IMA 2014, GP9-Mineral Inclusions - Their Genesis and Fate (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Kuleci, H., Abart, R., Schmidt, C. (2014): Hydration of periclase at 350°C to 620°C and 200MPa: An experimental study, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-3847-2 (Vienna, Austria)
Kuleci, H., Abart, R., Rybacki, E. (2014): Fracturing in a calcite matrix induced by hydration of periclase, IMA 2014, GP9-Mineral Inclusions - Their Genesis and Fate (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Kuleci, H., Rybacki, E., Schmidt, C., Petrishcheva, E., Abart, R. (2014): Kinetics of periclase hydration at 200 MPa and temperatures ranging from 350°C to 620°C, DMG 2014, Abstract ID-191 (Jena, Germany)
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