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Elizaveta KOVALEVA


Room Number: 2B484
Tel.: +43-1-4277-53462
Fax: +43-1-4277-9534 

Research Interests:

  • High-grade metamorphic complexes: Metasomatic processes in high-grade metamorphic rocks / Charnockitization and pegmatite formation processes in metamorphic gneisses / Rock’s fluid regime Mineral thermobarometry and thermodynamic calculations /
  • Polymetamorphic events and its records in mineral reactions and phase equilibrium

  • Geochronology / Influence of plastic deformation and metasomatic alteration of Zircon on it's isotopic system


Rejuvenation effects during plastic deformation/Microchemistry and microstructure/texture of accessory minerals and the effect of deformation on the retention of radiogenic isotopes (Project III.3)


Abstracts and Papers:

Kovaleva, E., Klötzli, U.S. (2013): Rejuvenation effects during plastic deformation of zircon: Geochronological implications, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)

Kovaleva, E., Klötzli, U. (2013): Zircon plastic deformation examples from the Tauern Window, MinPet (Graz, Austria). MinPet2013, (Graz, Austria)

Klötzli, U. & Kovaleva, E. (2013): Plastic deformation of zircon: a high-T deformation dating tool?, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 159, 73

Kovaleva, E., Habler, G., Kloetzli, U.(2014): Crystal-plastic deformation of zircon from strained natural rocks, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie, 22. Jahrestagung, abstracts, 43-44

Kovaleva E., Klötzli, U. (2014): Crystallographically controlled crystal-plastic deformation of zircon in shear zones, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-3678-4, General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria)

Abart R., Griffiths T., Kuleci H., Kovaleva E., Habler G. (2014): Mineral reactions and deformation of solid-phase inclusions and their host crystals, IMA 2014 (Johannesburg, South Africa), abstract volume, p. 245

Kovaleva E., Habler G., Kloetzli U., Rhede D., Abart R. (2014): Rheological behavior of zircon in deformed rocks: crystal-plastic deformation and its consequences for trace element content. IMA 2014 (Johannesburg, South Africa), abstract volume, p. 251

Kovaleva, E., Klötzli, U., Habler, G., Libowitzky, E. (2014): Finite lattice distortion patterns in plastically deformed zircon grains, Solid Earth Discuss. 6, pages: 1799-1861, DOI 10.5194/sed-6-1799-2014 (under review)

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