Room Number: 2B484
Tel.: +43-1-4277-53462
Fax: +43-1-4277-9534
Deformation mechanisms and chemical/mineralogical changes around porphyroblasts/clasts (Project I.1)
Research Interests:
- Microfabric analysis (optical microscope, SEM, EBSD, SEM-CL, TEM)
- Ductile deformation in naturally deformed rocks
- Strain localization around heterogeneities
Abstracts and Papers:
Rogowitz, A., Grasemann, B., Rice, A.H.N., Huet, B., Habler, G. (2013): Strain rate dependent calcite microfabric evolution - an experiment carried out by nature, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)
Rogowitz, A., Grasemann, B., Huet, B., Habler, G. (2013): Strain rate dependent calcite microfabric evolution - an experiment carried out by nature, Deformation mechanism, Rheology & Tectonics (Leuven, Belgium)
Rogowitz, A. and Grasemann, B. (2014): Dislocation creep accommodated Grain Boundary Sliding: A high strain rate/low temperature deformation mechanism in calcte ultramylonites, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)
Rogowitz, A., Huet, B., Schneider, D., Grasemann, B.(2014): 40Ar/39Ar mica ages from marble mylonites: a cautionary tale, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)
Rogowitz, A., Grasemann, B., Huet, B., Habler, G.(2014): Strain rate dependent calcite microfabric evolution at natural conditions, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)
Rogowitz, A., Grasemann, B., Huet, B., Habler, G. (2014): Strain rate dependent calcite microfabric evolution – an experiment carried out by nature. Journal of Structural Geology (in press)
Rogowitz, A., Huet, B., Schneider, D. and Grasemann, B.: 40Ar/39Ar mica ages from marble mylonites: a cautionary tale. Lithosphere (submitted)
Rogowitz, A., Grasemann, B., Huet, B., White, J. (2014): Natural evidence of grain size sensitive creep in calcite at high strain rate and low temperature, Gordon Research Conference: Rock Deformation (Andover NH, USA)
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